Erectile Dysfunction: treat it like just another disease

12 May, 2011 (18:30) | Main | By: admin

Erectile dysfunction (ED) affects the lives of many middle-aged men and their partners to one degree or another. The term erectile dysfunction covers a range of disorders, but usually refers to the inability to obtain an adequate erection for satisfactory sexual activity. Many still find it extremely difficult to discuss Erectile Dysfunction with there doctors and are not treated for the problem. Erectile Dysfunction can happen at any stage of a man’s life. It generally occurs in older men

Erectile Dysfunction should be treated just like any other health problem and should be discussed with your doctor in order to get the right treatment. There are many reasons for erectile dysfunction. The primarily reasons are physical, psychological and medical. Most of these conditions can be cured. Doctors believe that most of the people suffer from mixed erectile dysfunction, a combination of all reasons like medical conditions, emotional and physiological reasons.

The psychological aspects in erectile dysfunction are also causes of Erectile Dysfunction like depression, guilt, worry, stress, anxiety. These psychological conditions result in loss of libido and thereafter erectile dysfunction

On the other hand there are reports that suggest that men with Erectile Dysfunction have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke. This is likely due to the systemic nature of atherosclerosis — which can affect the blood vessels supplying the penis as well as blood vessels elsewhere in the body.

Erectile dysfunction has many causes, including some medications used to treat heart disease. Men with erectile dysfunction should be screened for other risk factors for cardiovascular disease, such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes.
There are also new reports suggesting that thyroid too could be a cause of Erectile Dysfunction. There seems to be strong connection between various thyroid disorders and Erectile Dysfunction. Since thyroid disease can affect as many as one in ten men over the age of 60, this may mean that many of those dealing with Erectile Dysfunction and its related problems may have a reasonably simple disease to treat.

The relationship between the thyroid and erectile dysfunction is not yet clear, but since thyroid diseases, as well as erectile dysfunction, are much more common among men over 60, findings suggest that aging may not play as big a role as previously believed.

Even though scientists are working on causes of ED, treatment of erectile dysfunction has been extremely effective through the oral ED drugs. The currently available oral medications are in a class called PDE5 inhibitors. These medications work to restore a normal system of blood flow in the penis so that an erection can occur with sexual stimulation. Cialis, Viagra and Levitra are Erectile Dysfunction drugs. All are oral drugs and are effective forms of Erectile Dysfunction treatment.

Arrival of Viagra changed the practice of scientific sex research and policy in substantial ways. Viagra was well received in the market. It revolutionized the way ED was perceived and treated. After the stupendous success of Viagra two more pills were launched in the market- Cialis and Kamagra.

With these branded drugs there are generic versions of these drugs are also available like Generic Viagra and Generic Cialis. The companies manufacturing them claim that they are as effective as the brand name drugs for the treatment of Erectile Dysfunction. These generic versions are available at half the prices of the branded drugs. Before taking any medications for Erectile Dysfunction, do consult your doctor.

Oral medication for Erectile Dysfunction can cause some side effects. Most of them are well tolerated but a few are serious side effects and can cause life threatening symptoms. Any medication should be taken with proper consultation with the health professional. The doctor should know the reason for Erectile Dysfunction and all the medication that you are taking before he prescribes any oral treatment for Erectile Dysfunction.