Erectile Dysfunction – Know More

13 July, 2011 (16:12) | Main | By: admin

Erectile Dysfunction is usually called – impotency. It’s a widespread dysfunction faced by millions of men all around the world. It’s the inability to maintain sexual intercourse due to the absence of erection.

Impotency is the most common sexual disorder of men nowadays. A man doesn’t feel any sexual desire, has problems with ejaculation and gaining an orgasm during sexual intercourse.

There are three different ways of impotency manifestation. The first type of impotency is characterized by the total inability to achieve an erection, second – erection is very inconsistent, third – the erection is achieved for a very short period of time only.

There are a lot of different drugs that help to overcome this disorder. Viagra, discovered in the end of the last century was the first drug of such a type that was introduced on the market. It was an instant success and a lot of other drugs soon appeared in the market, such as: Levitra, Cialis, Kamagra.

What Erectile Dysfunction is caused by?

Sometimes Erectile Dysfunction is caused by side effects of some drugs. Some diseases that affect nerves and blood flow may also lead to impotency.

There is a certain mechanism of gaining the erection, it consists of consequence of events, and when this consequence is broken erectile dysfunction occurs. Erectile process begins from electric impulses in the brain during sexual desire. Muscles and tissues in the penis area react to these impulses. So the damage of nerves and muscles is the most widespread reason for erectile dysfunction. More than 70 percent of impotency cases are caused by different diseases such as: chronic alcoholism diabetes, kidney and neurological diseases.

Intense smoking and lack of exercise may also lead to erectile problems. Operations that may damage the area near penis sometimes lead to Erectile Dysfunction as well. Antidepressants and blood pressure drugs may have side effects that lead to erection disturbance.

There is a group of people with so called “Psychic Impotency”. In this case evectional problems are caused by stress, low self esteem and inferiority. It’s necessary to know that physically such people are absolutely healthy. Sometimes people have a combination of two types of Erectile Dysfunction, when physical stage is had been successfully treated, they still can’t gain an erection due to moral stress after being “impotents”.

Treating Erectile Dysfunction:

Statistics shows that the percent of men with erectile dysfunction is higher when they are gaining age but there are a lot of cases when young people face this problem as well. Medics believe that numerous cases of impotency of young people are connected with unusual sex with different partners and consuming of alcohol and illegal drugs that do harm to the body and to the sexual zone of the organism.

Erectile Dysfunction can be treated successfully in any age. Age doesn’t mean anything in treating such a dysfunction. Nowadays there are a lot of information about this problem, several years ago it was just the other way round. Many men have started to consume Viagra and other drugs to get a better sex experience with their partners. But even these drugs have some undesirable side effects you should be aware of.

Medical treatment of erectile dysfunction has improved greatly over the last several years, so more and more men are seeking medical help facing such an intimate problem. With the latest medical achievements in treating impotency you may be sure for 99 percent to be treated successfully and enjoy the life of a healthy man.